Saturday, 15 January 2011

RBLI Scores Top Grade

RBLI scores top grade (STRONG) in rigorous Provider Assurance Team (PAT) audit conducted in December 2010.

The audit covered contractual compliance and processes against contracts as well as core delivery practices to our clients. This confirms RBLI’s position as a robust, data secure provider which delivers as promised and has the training, systems and ethos to ensure compliancy.

Quoting from the report
“RBLI has a strong company ethos revolving around helping others”

We are proud of our customer service and this once again shone through as being really strong. The introduction of our ‘So Thin’ application to protect data provides a secure platform but it is the quality of the management and people which has ensured this top rating of STRONG. A fantastic team effort and a wonderful foundation for us to find further ways to improve delivery.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

A great start to the New Year.

RBLI has quickly slipped into top gear in the early days of 2011 with the completion of final preparations for an assessment course for the British Army’s injured soldiers. The first course will run in mid February and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Meldon, the Commanding Officer of the region’s Personal Recovery Unit, is leading on the Army’s input to this important 2 week course.

Paul Meldon will also join RBLI staff later this month in the discussions with Paul Carter, Leader of Kent County Council, about RBLI and KCC’s alliance on the Welfare Pathway to improve the support to the Armed Forces Community in Kent. KCC is one of 3 Authorities leading the way with this important pilot scheme.

We are in the planning stages of the creation of a Learning Café, as a social enterprise, here on our village in Aylesford. The Café will not only serve as a drop in centre for injured service personnel, but will also be a focal point for the village. In addition, the Café will live up to its name by providing employment, placements and training for injured service personnel transitioning to civilian life.

Watch this space as RBLI will be looking for support for the Learning Café with sponsorship, volunteers, trainers and partners.

In addition to all of this, RBLI Employment Solutions continues to deliver high quality services to people on Pathways, Access to Work and other Welfare to Work services. The slight improvement in the weather has allowed us all, RBLI employees and clients, to get out and about that much more and as a consequence secure more employment.

A great start to the New Year.